Monday, January 09, 2006

Starting the Week Right

fine flickering hungers gets 4.5 stars from eCataRomance!

"fine flickering hungers is an anthology of short tales and poems brought to us by Alessia Brio. Filled with fantasy, fancy, and erotic amalgams, "hungers" recalls memories of Anais Nin to this reviewers mind. Some of the tales are softly sensual, while others have a hard, erotic thrill, and Ms. Brio's poetry is as rhythmic and fluid as any I've read.

"From the wonders of the rainy season in Costa Rica, to the intimate bond between close friends, to the fantasies of everyday people, Alessia emerses the reader in her vibrant words and lush details, until, when we finally reach the end, we wonder just what else Ms. Brio could breathe life into, with her fertile mind.

"Personally, my favorites in this tale were the poem 'Surrogate Sin' and the following short tale. Though some readers may not find the humor and eroticism in these, as a woman raised Catholic, I relished in both. I look forward to reading more of Ms. Brio's work and I suggest all of you get a copy of fine flickering hungers to add to your erotic collections."

Reviewer Lynn Lowe

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